Our Hearing Aid Fitting Process

Putting in your new set of hearing aids for the first time can feel like an overwhelming experience. That’s why it’s so important to have an expert there to fit your new hearing aids to your ear and program them to your needs and preferences before you take them home.

The Benefits of a Professional Hearing Aid Fitting

Hearing aids come in all shapes and sizes, and so do our ears. The same style of hearing aids might fit very differently in your ears versus your partner’s or your best friend’s. What’s more, if your hearing aids aren’t fit and programmed correctly, they may not support your hearing loss how they’re supposed to.

When you work with an audiologist for your hearing aid fitting, you not only get an optimal listening experience but also have the opportunity to ask questions and understand the features that your hearing aid comes with.

Hearing Aid Fitting

What to Expect at Your Hearing Aid Fitting

At Audiology Associates of Deerfield, we want to make sure you start off on the right foot with your new hearing aids, so we take the time to properly fit, program, and educate you about your hearing aids so you can feel confident in those first few weeks of wearing them.

Our hearing aid fitting process includes:

1.Preparing for your fitting

To start, we’ll verify that your hearing aids meet manufacturer’s specifications by checking performance in a test box. When you arrive we’ll assure that the devices fit your ears and make any modifications if necessary.

2. Programming your hearing aids with Real-Ear measurements

Using fitting software and the results of your hearing test, measurements are taken with a disposable tube placed in each ear canal. A prescription is created based on your unique hearing needs. Real ear measurements allow for listening ease and comfort. Soft voices should be heard, average voices comfortable, and nothing should ever be so loud that you would want to remove your hearing aids.

3. A tour of features & maintenance

While hearing aids are designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, it’s important to know basic care. We’ll teach you how to change or recharge batteries, how to adjust settings, clean your devices, and use accessories and advanced features.

4. Setting expectations

Adjusting to hearing aids is so much easier than it used to be, but it is important to set reasonable expectations, Hearing aids will never replace the set of ears you were born with. Hearing aids are not like eyeglasses and it takes a period of adjustment for the brain to realize the full benefit of better hearing. Be assured that we are on this journey with you every step of the way.

6. Scheduling follow-up appointments

We will get you on the calendar for your first follow-up appointment and we will continue to monitor your progress over the first 75 days. Based on need, regular follow up visits are scheduled throughout the calendar year and beyond.

Follow-up may also involve adding accessories to assist with the TV, phone, or conversation, setting goals with an auditory listening program, or involving a specialist to help with auditory processing. It’s our job to assure that you are always hearing your best.

Have questions about our hearing aid fitting process or want to see if hearing aids are right for you?

Our team at Audiology Associates of Deerfield is here to help! Reach out to our office to get on our schedule today.